Hefei Yilan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
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Sport Stadium LED Display

Applications of Sports Stadiums/Sports and Arenas Display

Full-color stadium LED displays will be installed in a lot of medium- and large-sized stadiums. It is an essential element, particularly for basketball or football games. Our integrated overall solution for the sports industry's display screen combines the three broadcast control systems—the live event system, the event timing and scoring system, and the event playback system—so that they can all be displayed simultaneously on the live broadcast screen, fence advertising screen, timing and scoring screen, and bucket screen. Presenting dynamic content in real-time allows for the realization of real-time live transmission, accurate timing and scoring, slow-motion playback, remote fan engagement, and other relevant display requirements, which heightens the ambiance of the scene and enhances the impact of the game.

Stadium Video Screens

Advantage of Sports Stadiums/Sports and Arenas Display

High-definition, smooth presentation, quick response, and rapid dynamic visuals are all benefits of the stadium live broadcast LED display. Players' bios are introduced, and magnificent live events are genuinely restored. In order to guarantee that viewers in each location won't miss a single breathtaking moment of the event's live broadcast, it may not only display the entire image but also split it into different windows. Referees may make the right calls with the help of slow-motion replays, preserving the integrity of the game's justice and fairness. Stadium fence divider In most stadiums, fences are installed around the stands. By using a fence led display screen instead, more content can be shown on the screen and the stadium fence can be completely replaced, meeting the needs of a range of tournament displays. In addition to the stadium fence screen application of anti-collision design, on the one hand, in the high-intensity impact can assure stable work, as well as the soft cover to prevent player injuries.